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B / S architecture of audiovisual data security settings

In the B / S program, if the security of audio and video data without consideration, the user can easily know the address of the audio-visual archives stored data files, using other download tools can be easily downloaded to audiovisual archive data files. System in terms of security has the following aspects of audio and video data set:

1.Thumbnail data

Users are through the server-side program on the original image extracted in the browser interface to see thumbnail thumbnail, and then sent to the client browser interface, thumbnail data user if you save the page, saved only after extraction , save less than the original image data.


The system provides an image zoom feature, the user can view an image by enlarging the image detail, enlarged image is re-sampled image data on the basis of the original image to produce, not simply zoom in on a small map. In the scaling process image, the user sees the image will automatically add watermark, so both the user gets a copy of the screen image by the way, the watermark image is indelible. As shown below, in the bottom right corner of the image plus the Chinese Customs watermark logo.

3.Hidden data files link address

For the display image files, audio and video file playback, file system ID values through lookup in a virtual directory to a file, and then send the image data or play audio and video files, browser user information through the right mouse button is unable to see to store the location of the file can not view the file link address both use download tools to archive data files can not be downloaded.

This feature is currently tested by a variety of popular download tools, the use of these tools can not find the network to download the data file storage address, thereby departing from the management system to download.

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