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System for managing photos, video, audio, other types of file data, there are strict rights management, as described several items of each record to confirm whether the user has permission to query:

Categories (such as political, economic, military, ...)

Confidentiality (top secret, secret, general ...) Generating sectors (Investigation Department, Political Department, foreign branch ...)

As you can define a user can query only the political, economic class, the general security classification of audiovisual data recorded by the political department, overseas branch of submission.

Each user can set record query is the union of these three rights (ie, recording these three conditions are satisfied in the set), all user-submitted query conditions are only recorded within its authority in the query. The user through the browser retrieved records, you can restrict whether users can play audio and video files online, whether online print pictures and permissions. The figure is set by the user's C / S program rights.

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