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Audio Archive digitization process

System capable of different media audio file: analog audio signal audio-cassettes, opening band, etc., directly into the audio-visual archives repository digitized.

Already digitized audio files, such as digital CD discs, recorded by the audio file, the system can directly read and import the audio and video archive repository. Digital audio files are stored in two formats, one for archiving, for a preview.

Archival audio file data indicators:

Encoding format:WAV

Sampling Rate:48KHz

After an hour of audio digital information storage space is about 600MB.

In the audio file on the basis of this archive, preview generated audio data stream, the data indicators:

Encoding format:MP3

Sampling Rate:96KB/S

Hourly preview audio data file storage space is about 60MB.

Thus, after an hour of audio information digitally, generate two data formats, storage space is about 660MB.

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