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The company's software systems use three-tier structure program construction techniques, sub-database layer, an intermediate service layer and client layer. Database layer installed on the database server, the database can be MS SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase and other large databases.

Intermediate service layer packaging business logic to deal specifically with the user's data requests. Intermediate service layer in a user request only when it creates a database connection, the connection is a stateless object immediately released after completion of the user's data request to reduce the system resources of possession. Therefore, the use of three-tier structure of the framework program, can simultaneously serve a large number of users simultaneously access the database.

Intermediate service layer can be installed on the database server can also be installed on a separate server, when using server clusters, can be installed on multiple servers to service a large number of users to access the database.

Database servers, Web servers, streaming media servers can share a single server which, when traffic data to expand, and then expand as a standalone server.

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